Today the mobile phone is an integral part of our life. Just as we protect the members of our body from being harmed, it is also necessary that we protect our phone from damage. Nothing is more painful to see your phone getting scratches or worse a cracked screen. We have listed below some tips on how to fruitfully protect it from damage. Just read on…
1. Use a Screen Protector
The display of the phone is the most important part of the device. It is also the most fragile and the most expensive part in the handset. At a slight drop or by mishandling or by mere carelessness, the screen is bound to crack or shatter. And a cracked or shattered display looks awful and may also malfunction.
To avoid this it is recommended that you use a screen protector i.e. tempered glass. Get a suitable tempered glass screen protector. This will prevent the screen from scratches and also give added protection to the display to a great extent. The screen protector should be the first accessory you buy for your phone.
2.Use a good quality case
In this fast paced and multitasking life, it is possible that you may time and again drop the phone and damage it. To clearly avoid this sort of event it is strongly advised that you use a phone case. This will ensure maximum physical protection to your handset. It is not necessary that you opt for an expensive branded case, even a good quality non branded one will suffice and give you the same kind of protection to your handset.
3.Self Protect
When you place the phone in your pocket make sure that you do not keep coins and or any other pointed type of stuff in the same pocket because this results in the display screen being scratched or damaged.
Also ensure that you avoid placing your phone in the rear pocket of your tight jeans because there is probability that your phone might bend or just snap when you attempt to sit. Wherever you place your handset, just keep it out of reach of the toddlers or unruly kids in your home, it is likely that they may try to get hold of your handset and clumsily drop it and thus damage it.
4.Waterproof the Device
Water is well renowned to play havoc with electronic devices. This may be in the form of rain or your device getting wet in the pool or at the beach. Even perspiration affects your phone, so it is necessary that you waterproof your device to save you a lot of expense. For this you need to use a waterproof case for your handset. This is easily available at any local mobile store in your area or you may also order it online.
You should buy it only if your phone is not water resistant. If in case your phone gets water logged, please read our guide to fix water logged cell phones.
5.Hold with a Firm Grip
The most common reason for phones dropping from your hand is due to the method in which you are holding the smartphone or the tablet. Hence it is necessary to get a good grip of the device. The way you catch your gadget is very important to prevent it from falling down. Still if your phone drops and gets damaged, you can learn how to repair phones by getting hold of our cell phone repair book.
6.Do not leave it unattended
Many times we are negligent and keep our device in places where it is not secure. Always see to it that you have kept your phone in a safe place. If it is kept in a place where they are accessible to kids or pets, make it sure that it is in your sight to avoid regretting later.
If you want to know more about smartphone guides, you can check this “6 Ways to Protect Your EL Smartphones“.